Taxing the Rich Hurts Everyone

Well Justin Trudeau and his Alliance with the NDP are at it again going after the “rich” as they say, making them out to be the bad guys asking them to “pay their fair share” because of the governments out of control spending.

In the new budget they increased the capital gains tax saying that the “rich” should pay more. But is this wise to continue to tax people who are successful? What will eventually happen and is already happening in Canada as it is more and more difficult for Big, small and medium size businesses, individuals, and entrepreneurs to make money?

Trudeau doesn’t get it

Justin Trudeau and people of his ilk-politicians who impose taking from the rich and giving to the poor (the Robin Hood scenario) do this to make it seem like people are doing bad because the rich are doing well. This is just one big lie! This truth is, over taxing the rich by government is the reason why the middle class and the poor are doing so badly. The only ones who benefit from this policy temporarily, are the dumb politicians who implement them because people believe that nonsense.

Taxing the rich (businesses) forces the rich to seek asylum in other countries that are business friendly and they take their money, investments, innovation and jobs with them. Taxing businesses and the rich costs Canada/USA millions of jobs! People have lost their jobs because companies have been forced out by the government into other countries to invest and manufacture because the taxes in the USA/Canada are obsessive! It is interesting that in the USA, Joe Biden says that if you make over $200,000 per year it’s your “patriotic duty” to pay more in taxes. The revolutionary war started on a tax revolt! It was “Patriotic” to pay less not more! The politicians have forgotten their own history!

What would you do?

If you were overtaxed what would you do? Like any other person or business you would look for ways not to be over taxed. Why? When you start a business there is so much risk involved, risk you take on. Not to mention the jobs you are creating. Jobs you create, people who depend on you for their income so they can take care of their families; as well as the business owner taking care of his/her family. All this responsibility to take on, and along comes the government (because of their wasteful spending) coming in and saying “you should pay more”! How much can a business owner take? Of course one is going to look for other avenues to make money. In many cases businesses leave the country and take their enterprise with them. Who benefits? No one!

Taxing Business and the Rich benefits no one

When politicians tax businesses, the more they take away the more the middle class and the poor suffer. That money, instead of being wasted on useless spending by the government, could be spent on investing in new ideas, manufacturing, more JOBS etc.…instead of putting it in politicians pockets. Politicians think they can manage peoples money better than business people can. History shows that is NOT that case! Time and time again we have seen that governments are horrible with money because they have no money management skills. The money is not theirs, they did not create it. The more money the government receives in taxes with poor management habits, the more amplified the money problems become. If the government taxed the rich 100% of all their income to pay the national debt, the debt will only go up not down because of their appetite for wasteful spending!

Pay their fair share?

The “rich” already pay 10 times the amount that the average person does in taxes. Some pay more in taxes every quarter than the average person pays in a life time! Yet the politicians say the rich should “pay their fair share” That is not measurable! That’s just a sound byte for a dumb politician to get elected.

Added to that, businesses work for the government for free! How? They have to collect taxes from their own employees to send to the government. They have to collect taxes for them, hire people to do this for them and businesses aren’t even compensated for it! Businesses are basically unpaid labor for the government!

Who is the real “Bad guy”?

Hollywood, politicians, left wing pundits like to put out to the public that the rich are the “bad guys.” But the reality is, business people are the reason for jobs, investment, invention, and the economy! When a politician says they are going to “create jobs” they are lying! Politicians do not create jobs-they create policies that KILL JOBS!

Taxing the rich punishes people for being successful and rewards people who are not successful-the Robin hood scenario that NEVER WORKS! You are rewarding mediocrity! Instead schools and other institutions should teach people how to be successful so they can contribute to the economy and society. This would make the world a better place.

Politicians do not know how to create jobs so they steal from the successful, and you limit them from doing good in this world by over taxing them! The rich are NOT the bad guys-the greedy politicians are!

So when elections come around and politicians like Trudeau, Singh, Biden and others say we need to “tax the rich.” Is that what you really want? If that happens, who are the ones who are really going to pay? Not the rich, they just download the prices to the consumer. Not the dumb politicians! You are the one who is going to pay and lose your job and the economy will suffer as well.