The Spiritual Principles of Money

by Peter Salemi

Many do not realize that there is a spiritual component to money. For centuries, money has been perceived as a mere instrument of trade, a symbol of material wealth. However, beneath its conventional attributes lies a deeper truth - money is, at its core, is spiritual! God says, “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.” (Haggai 2:8). Understanding money from a spiritual perspective can revolutionize our relationship with wealth, transforming the way we earn, spend, and share it.

One spiritual principle is, in the beginning God put “Gold” in the Garden of Eden. And the Bible says the, “gold of that land is good:” (Gen 2:12). The Bible says that gold is “good.” Gold belongs to God and the medium of exchange in ancient time’s right up to the mid-20th century was gold! Money (Gold) is good!

Why does God mention “gold” in the garden? There were no stores. There were only two people at the time Adam and Eve. Food was free. Why is gold mentioned? In the Bible, “Gold is used to symbolize earthly riches (Job 3:15; Job 22:24; Isa 2:7; Matt 10:9; Acts 3:6; Acts 20:33; Rev 18:12)…Gold was the most valuable of metals. It stood for anything of great value (Prov 3:14; Prov 8:10, Prov 8:19; Prov 16:16, Prov 16:22; Prov 25:12)” (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, emphasis added). The reason it is mentioned in the first book of Genesis-the book of beginnings is to show that abundance, riches and great wealth is natural in the environment for his people! Adam was called the “son of God.” (Luke 3:38). God’s people are called the “sons of God” (1 John 3:1; Rom 8:14, 19). Is should be natural for God’s people to be, think, and immerse themselves in abundance!

Another truth is applying God’s spiritual principles in our lives of wealth and abundance and succeeding-this is proof of God’s blessing on God’s people, “But remember the LORD your God, because he is the one who gives you the ability to produce wealth in order to confirm his covenant that he promised by an oath to your ancestors, as is the case today.” (Deut 8:18 ISV). God is then glorified when we apply His ways to our gifts and talents to the marketplace and are rewarded with money. Abraham’s servant showed Rebekah and his family “gold” as proof of the blessing of God on Abraham (Gen 24:35).

Spiritually, money operates under the Law of Giving and Receiving. What we sow into the world through acts of generosity and compassion is returned to us in various forms, including financial abundance. By giving freely and with an open heart, we create a positive energy cycle that not only benefits ourselves but also extends to others. This reciprocity fosters a sense of interconnectedness and unity among humanity. “…and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive….for God loveth a cheerful giver.” (Acts 20:35; 2 Corinth 9:7).

Many people believe that money is anti-spiritual, but the truth is that money can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth. In fact, money is a spiritual activity that can help you align with the God’s laws of generosity and abundance.

 Another spiritual principle about money is, Money by itself is not sin. Money is good (Gen 2:12), and it is a tool given by God for our flourishing. It is the misuse of money that is sin. Money can be used for good as well as evil. People are the problem when it comes to money.

 They say, “There is nothing wrong with having money. It’s when money has you.” This is the crux of Paul’s warning to young Timothy in 1Timothy 6:8-10. Money makes a poor idol, and when worshiped, plunges people into spiritual and physical ruin. When money is a god, it fuels attitudes like greed and envy, which damage human relationships and distract us from our God-given mission.

 In the book of Malachi we learn this lesson from tithing; these passages teach us that money should not have a hold on you, and that your God is YHWH in whom you trust not money. When this is realized in our minds, God will rain down the material blessings on us because we have our priorities aligned correctly. “Will a man rob God?” (Mal 3:8). The people withheld tithes and so they had been cursed, as we learn from the following verses, with failure of the harvest and famine. This curse corresponded to their sin. As they had refused to give God his due withholding the tithes and offerings, so had He withheld from them the products of the field. God says, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” (Mal 3:10). Tithing again shows that we trust in God not money for our blessings. Give to God first, “that there may be meat in mine house.” Money should not come first and become our driving, all-consuming passion, if it does, God says, “Ye are cursed with a curse:” (Mal 3:9).

 Understanding these spiritual principles about money can completely change our perspective on how we make, spend, and handle money. Perhaps if we can begin to see money in this way, and Warm our hearts and minds up to these principles many Christians can think and walk into abundance!