The Manipulative Media

The Mainstream Media has shown time and time again that they can make or break anyone. They proved it just recently by them pretty much forcing Joe Biden to step aside so they can have someone else run as the Democratic Party primary to run for President.

Now the Media is hyping Kamala Harris. Trying to making her likable to the voters who only just a few months ago the media were telling Joe Biden to get rid of her she was dragging down his poll numbers-now the media loves her. Is this good for a free and open society? Absolutely Not!

This kind of Media lies and manipulates the mass population into believing anything that they deem good and right. Normalizing all sorts of behaviors, and yes picking who they want as President or Prime Minister.


The Media influences the population by something called “Framing.” They word certain headlines and use certain catch phrases over and over until it is etched into the psyche of the people so they respond in kind. “Framing is the process of carefully constructing a message to achieve a deliberate effect on the receiver” (What Is “Media Framing” and Why Is It So Effective? by Adrian Eaton).

Now because we have a media that is left leaning and some even radical, what kind of view are we going to get from them when someone challenges their chosen politician to win the election? You don’t need me to tell you, just look at the headlines, in your news feeds on line or in the newspapers. Every headline about Donald Trump is negative and every headline for the left and the democrats is positive. Negative or positive words and catch phrases are used so when the topic comes up in a conversation immediately negative/positive words people will associate about one or the other candidate influencing their decision at the ballot box.

The election of 2016 had Hilary Clinton in the polls up by 20 points over Trump yet is was all a facade. Donald Trump had to continually be confronted by “fake news.” I never seen such vicious attacks towards a nominee or President as I have seen against Donald Trump. Biden didn’t even have to campaign in 2020 and he won the election from his basement! This is the power of the Media!

Instead, the media should just report the news with no bias and let us make up our own minds on how we should process the news-but the media doesn’t want that. The have an agenda and they want to form your opinion and view for you!

But I believe today people are on to the media; they understand now what is going on-trust in mainstream media these days is at an all time low, but there are still many that allow this to happen. Let’s hope the trend continues and the media either changes their tune or the people completely reject this practice and the old media disappears into obscurity!